Develop your soft Skills and stand out in 2020/2021

Develop your soft Skills and stand out in 2020/2021

Develop your soft Skills and stand out in 2020/2021

Today, having a growth mindset and upskilling to stand out to an employer is vital.

It is a must in the current employment climate; not only to demonstrate good technical skills, but to also be able to practise and develop soft skills. Soft skills relate to “how” you work. There is a growing demand for human skills. Being a candidate who communicates clearly, solves problems, and demonstrates good teamwork, are just a few of the soft skills that are perceived as very important in a business environment today. Soft skills can be a deciding factor between two candidates who have similar technical skills. Whilst some of these skills are inherent in an individual, these skills can be further developed both inside and outside the workplace. Invest in these soft skills and be successful.

Emotional intelligence
Having a high EQ (Emotional intelligence) is viewed as very important in many roles today. It relates to how we can manage our own emotions and navigate other people’s emotions. This highly valuable skill helps improve communication, management, and relationships within the workplace. Businesses value candidates who demonstrate a high EQ, as it can help improve the company’s culture. Employees with a high EQ can better demonstrate an understanding and respect for the emotional wellbeing of their colleagues which in turn fosters productivity.

Resilience is the ability to cope with the ups and downs that life inevitably brings. In a workplace setting, ups and downs and especially challenges can be a weekly occurrence. One must be able to deal with and navigate frustrating situations, heavy workloads and constructive criticism whilst simultaneously being able to be productive. Workplaces are often ever-changing and stressful environments, and the challenges they present can truly test a person’s resilience. Training yourself to be able to maintain a strong, positive perspective will help you deal with stress, remain flexible and help you excel in your role.

Team player
It’s important to be able work well as part of a team in today’s business world. Modern workplaces are increasingly embracing a more collaborative, team- based approach to finding creative solutions to business challenges. Therefore, being able to work with others to meet the goals of the business is essential for success. Demonstrating that you are an effective team player will be imperative to catching the attention of that interview panel or landing that promotion.

Creativity can enable problem solving in the workplace. Creativity enhances our ability to look at problems with a different perspective and encourages us to think outside the box in order to find more innovative solutions. Creative employees are often more engaged and positive, perceiving problems as exciting challenges. If we want to stay at the cutting edge in a competitive world, developing our ability to think outside the box will be our ticket to success.

Leadership Skills
Developing your leadership skills are a sure way to stand out. Good leaders are important in a business. It’s a great plus to your employment skill’s profile if you are capable of positively inspiring other employees to be productive while leading by example. A good leader can overcome all challenges whilst retaining balance, productivity, and a healthy culture for those that work alongside them.

Over 25 years and going strong!

Over 25 years and
going strong!

Endeavour for success: Why employee investment is critical and will save your business money.

Endeavour for success: Why employee investment is critical and will save your business money.

Endeavour for success: Why employee investment is critical and will save your business money.

Why employee investment is critical and will save your business money.

We, as a business, have seen firsthand, the benefits of employee investment. From inhouse employee training, external tutorials, and upskilling seminars we have reaped the benefits of loyal employees who are motivated and feel valued. This in turn has meant our employees here at PKL are highly productive and positive, each bringing a wide range of strong skills. Training with the latest technology allows employees to have an open-minded, innovative approach and provide a great all-round service.

We are living in a digital age

We are living in the digital age and a Business’ reputation can be made or destroyed at the touch of a button. A business’ online reputation can be easily viewed by anyone which includes top talent, customers/ consumers. Platforms like Glassdoor allows employees and ex-employees to write firsthand reviews about a business. In today’s highly competitive market one bad review from an unhappy employee on Glassdoor could be the factor that leads someone to a different business whether it be working for or buying a product. Ensuring that employees needs are met in the workplace and striving for employee job satisfaction can therefore be a massive factor in giving your business’ a positive reputation.

Reduces staff turnover

Replacing an employee can be highly costly especially if they are top talent. Between advertising open positions, training a new employee and the loss in productivity of a new employee trying to learn the ropes (new hires simply aren’t as productive as the person they’re replacing and it may take a year or two to get to that level). Helping to reduce the turnover in staff by implementing ways to maintain job satisfaction such as training or providing career progression opportunities will be a sure way to save money in the long term.

Employees have the ability to create a better brand

Positive, motivated employees are more likely to develop a strong brand through developing positive external relationships with clients. Naturally, employees who are satisfied and happy in their roles strive to deliver high quality service with consistency, resulting in a better overall brand, attracting more clients and great client reviews. Essentially happy employees are free advertising for your business; by creating growth opportunities and ensuring employees are feeling satisfied in their role, they will naturally share their positive experiences with the people in their professional network.

Equipping employees to work independently avoids costly over-management

Training your employees effectively to give them the confidence and tools they need to manage their role efficiently can avoid wasted time on micromanagement. Time is costly especially when over management from a superior can mean less time spent on their individual role. Therefore investing in training so that employees can work in an independent manner and are able to make smart decisions will save your business time and money.

Over 25 years and going strong!

Over 25 years and
going strong!

The most Sought out habits; Practised by successful people.

The most Sought out habits; Practised by successful people.

The most Sought out habits; Practised by successful people.

What are the habits the successful leaders of our world have incorporated into their everyday routines to help them perform to a high level?

These are some of the most sought out habits practised by successful people. If you are like me with your daily demands changing frequently and often without warning, believe me committing to one of the following habits will reap benefits. Bad habits are a negative behaviour pattern. We can develop these negative behaviour patterns over time, but in the same way we can also develop positive behaviour patterns. What are these habits the successful leaders of our world have incorporated into their everyday routines to help them perform to a high level?

Incorporate exercise into your life

Exercise to help create a strong body, which holds a strong mind. Incorporating exercise into your routine is proven to help you be more productive throughout your day. Movement establishes better blood flow to your brain. This means that your brain gets a heavy dose of increased blood flow and oxygen, in turn delivering more energy to your brain. Exercise also improves your mood, as it releases endorphins, giving you a more positive outlook to take on the day.

Reading – Open your mind

Reading expands and opens your mind. Learn and keep up with what’s going on in the world. People who read train their brain to focus for a prolonged period, which is a beneficial transferable skill in a lot of areas of our lives. People who read are constantly expanding their vocabulary and knowledge of the world around us, allowing them to make better informed decisions in line with current affairs.

Following a balanced healthy diet

Maintaining a healthy diet allows us to gain all the necessary nutrients for us to function both physically and mentally. Research supports the link between health and success. Feeding our body with the right amount of nutrients and vitamins provides our bodies with energy sources and improves mood helping us power through the day.

Get a good night’s sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep has several benefits. One benefit is that is improves memory function, it helps the consolidation of new memories, which enables you to recall that information later. Science proves it affects creative thinking and improves our ability to problem solve. Not only this but getting the right amount of sleep, improves your mood to start the day fresh with a positive mindset!


Take time out and incorporate meditation into your daily routine. Researchers have found that meditation stimulates areas of the brain associated with concentration and learning. Meditating slows down your mind and can help stop negative thought patterns or pessimistic ruminations. Cutting out this negative clutter can give space to thinking more clearly to make more intelligent decisions.

Over 25 years and going strong!

Over 25 years and
going strong!